Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


Michel Buffa is director of MIAGE Nice-Sophia Antipolis: Licence, Master 1 and four Master 2 degrees, about 350 students (http://miage.unice.fr).

Elena Cabrio is responsible of the internship program, 40 hours, (L3 and M2 MIAGE), University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis (UNS), France.

Catherine Faron Zucker is responsible of the Web option of the 5th year of Polytech Nice Sophia engineering school (Master degree) and is in charge of continuous training for the computer science department of Polytech Nice Sophia Antipolis.

Andrea Tettamanzi has managed the 3nd year of the Licence (Bachelor of Science) in Business Informatics (MIAGE) at the UFR Science of the University of Nice-Sophia Antipolis (UNS),

  • License: Elena Cabrio, Web Server Programming, 45 hours, (L1 INFO), UNS, France.

  • License: Elena Cabrio, Introduction to the Web, 40 hours, (L2MASS), UNS, France.

  • Licence: Michel Buffa, JavaScript: L3 Miage (40h)

  • License: Elena Cabrio, Internship supervision, 18 hours, (L3MIAGE), UNS, France.

  • Licence: Isabelle Mirbel, Web programming (Persistency), 36h, L3, UNS, France.

  • Licence: Andrea Tettamanzi, Algorithmics – Object Oriented Programmaing – Python, 50 h, L2, UNS, France.

  • Licence: Andrea Tettamanzi, Advanced client side Web Programming, 39 h, L2, UNS, France.

  • Licence: Andrea Tettamanzi, Web, 30 h, L3, UNS, France.

  • Master: Elena Cabrio, WebScience, 10 hours, (M2IFI), UNS, France.

  • Master: Elena Cabrio, Computational Linguistics, 30 hours, (Lettres), UNS, France.

  • Master: Elena Cabrio, Natural Language Processing for AI, 24 hours, (M1 INFO), UNS, France.

  • Master: Olivier Corby, Catherine Faron Zucker, Oscar Rodríguez Rocha, Semantic Web of Data, 65h, M2, UNS, France.

  • Master: Olivier Corby, Semantic Web, 3H, M2, University of Montpellier, France.

  • Master: Catherine Faron Zucker, Oscar Rodríguez Rocha, Andrea Tettamanzi, Knowledge Engineering, 35h, M2, UNS, France.

  • Master: Catherine Faron Zucker, Oscar Rodríguez Rocha, Web Languages, 35h, M1, UNS, France.

  • Master: Fabien Gandon, Web Science, 3 h, M1, UNS, France.

  • Master: Fabien Gandon, Integrating Semantic Web technologies in Data Science developments, 2*28 h, M2, DSTI, France.

  • Master/PhD: Semantic Web and Linked Data Graphs, 3 h, Winter School on Complex Networks 2018 (5th edition), France.

  • Master: Alain Giboin, Human-Computer-Interaction Design and Evaluation, 21h, M2, UNS.

  • Master: Alain Giboin, Human-Computer-Interaction Adaptation of User Interfaces, 4h, M2, UNS.

  • Master: Alain Giboin, Task and Activity Analysis for HCI design and evaluation, 6h, M2 Sociology and Ergonomics of Digital Technologies, UNS.

  • Master: Alain Giboin, HCI Design and Evaluation, 10h, M2 Sociology and Ergonomics of Digital Technologies, UNS.

  • Master: Alain Giboin, Digital Strategy (formerly: Economics and ICT) : Ergonomics, 13h, M2 Economics and ICT, ISEM, UNS.

  • Master: Isabelle Mirbel, Project Management, 24h, M2, UNS, France.

  • Master: Isabelle Mirbel, Requirement Engineering, 36h, M1, UNS, France.

  • Master: Andrea Tettamanzi, Logic for AI, 30 h, M1, UNS, France.

  • Master: Andrea Tettamanzi, Parallelism, 18 h, M1, UNS, France.

  • Master: Andrea Tettamanzi, Web Science, 5 h, M1, UNS, France.

  • Master: Andrea Tettamanzi, Data analysis in distributed environment, 18 h, M2, UNS, France.

  • E-learning

    • Michel Buffa, MOOC JavaScript Intro EDx platform.

    • Michel Buffa, MOOC HTML5 Coding Essentials and Best Practices, Edx platform.

    • Michel Buffa, MOOC HTML5 Apps and Games, also on EDx platform.

    • Fabien Gandon, Catherine Faron Zucker, Olivier Corby, MOOC Web sémantique, FUN.

    • Fabien Gandon, Catherine Faron Zucker, Olivier Corby, MOOC Web of Data, FUN.

    • Fabien Gandon, Catherine Faron Zucker, Olivier Corby, MOOC Web of Data, Coursera (https://www.coursera.org/learn/web-data/), to be run in 2019.


  • HdR: Michel Buffa, Des wikis aux simulations d’amplificateurs de guitare à lampes, le Web plateforme universelle, UNS, December 12th, President : Fabien Gandon.

  • HdR: Serena Villata, Explainable, Trustable and Emphatic Artificial Intelligence: from Formal Argumentation Theory to Argumentation for Humans, UNS, July 4th, President : Fabien Gandon.

  • PhD: Duc Minh Tran, Learning Ontologies from Linked Open Data, Andrea Tettamanzi, UNS and Nguyen Thanh Binh, University of Danang, July [12].

  • PhD: Emilie Palagi, Design of a Model-based Method for Evaluating Exploratory Search Systems, UNS, Labex UCN@Sophia, Alain Giboin, Fabien Gandon with Raphaël Troncy (Eurecom), November 23rd.

  • PhD in progress: Molka Dhouib, Modeling of a social network of service providers and companies and recommendation of service providers by reasoning on the social network, UNS, Catherine Faron Zucker with Andrea Tettamanzi.

  • PhD in progress: Ahmed El Amine Djebri, Distributed Artificial Intelligence for Linked Reviewable Data Management on the Semantic Web, UNS, Andrea Tettamanzi, Fabien Gandon.

  • PhD in progress: Michael Fell, Natural Language Processing of Song Lyrics, UNS, Elena Cabrio, Fabien Gandon.

  • PhD in progress: Raphaël Gazzotti, Modeling and Classification of Descriptions to Assist Decision Making, UNS & SynchroNext, Catherine Faron Zucker, Fabien Gandon.

  • PhD in progress: Tobias Mayer, Argument Mining for Clinical Trials, UNS, Johan Montagnat (CNRS, I3S), Serena Villata and Céline Poudat (UNS).

  • PhD in progress: Thu Huong Nguyen, Mining the Semantic Web for OWL Axioms, Andrea Tettamanzi, UNS.

  • PhD in progress: Mahamadou Toure, Mobile Access for the Web of Data, Fabien Gandon, Pascal Molli and Moussa Lo, UGB, UNS.

  • PhD in progress: Vorakit Vorakitphan, Argumentation and Emotions Emotion Detection with Adaptive Sentiment Analysis, Elena Cabrio, Serena Villata, UCA.

Tobias Mayer attended:


Catherine Faron Zucker was reviewer of the PhD thesis of

  • Joe Raad, Identity Management in Knowledge Graphs, Université Paris Saclay, defended on 30/11/2018;

  • Valentina Beretta, Data veracity assessment: enhancing Truth Discovery using a priori knowledge, Ecole des Mines Télécom IMT Mines Alès, defended on 30/10/2018;

  • Landy Rajaonarivo, Approche co-évolutive humain-système pour l’exploration de bases de données, Ecole Nationale d'Ingénieurs de Brest (ENIB), defended on 29/06/2018;

  • Manel Achichi, Linking Heterogeneous Open Data – Application to the Musical Domain, Université de Montpellier, defended on 15/02/2018.

Fabien Gandon was

  • Jury Member for HDR Frédérique Segond, Transformer les Données afin d'Etancher la Soif de l'Ere de la Connaissance, University Grenoble Alpes, defended 17/01/2018

  • Opponent for PhD Valentina Ivanova, Fostering User Involvement in Ontology Alignment and Alignment Evaluation, Linköping University Department of Computer and Information Science Division of Database and Information Techniques, defended 26/01/2018

  • President for HDR Serena Villata, Explainable, Trustable And Emphatic Artificial Intelligence From Formal Argumentation Theory To Argumentation For Humans, University Côte d'Azur, defended 04/07/2018

  • Reviewer for PhD Jörg Waitelonis, Linked Data Supported Information Retrieval, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), defended 09/07/2018

  • Reviewer for PhD Thesis Silvio Cardoso, MAISA- Maintenance of Semantic Annotations, Université Paris-Sud, LRI, and LIST Luxembourg, defended 30/11/2018

  • President for HDR Michel Buffa, Des wikis aux simulations d’amplificateurs de guitare à lampes, le Web plateforme universelle..., University Côte d'Azur, defended 12/12/2018

  • External Reviewer for PhD Thesis Luigi Asprino, Engineering Background Knowledge for Social Robots, University of Bologna, report sent the 15/12/2018

  • Jury member for Tenure Track position for a Researcher in the field of Knowledge-based Systems in Healthcare at Bruno Kessler Foundation (FBK), 2018

Andrea Tettamanzi was:

  • Jury member of the HDR theses of Giovanni Fusco, Ville, Complexité, Incertitude. Enjeux de connaissance pour le géographe et l'urbaniste, Université Côte d'Azur, February 5th;

  • Jury member of the HDR theses of Chan Le Duc, Raisonnement et révision pour des ontologies en logique de description, Université Paris 8, November 29th.

  • Chairman of the Jury for the PhD thesis of Abdoul Macina, UNS, December 17th on SPARQL Distributed Query Processing over Linked Data.

  • Reviewer for the thesis of Victor Eduardo Fuentes, Méta alignement méta heuristique, whose defense was not authorized by Université du Québec, Montréal.